Monday - October 21, 2024
I went to Café Lamiz, located in the Mehr and Mah Complex on the Tehran-Qom highway. I ordered a turkey croissant and a large American coffee. The cashier lady seemed very familiar. I told her that she looked very familiar to me. She replied that I also seemed familiar to her. I asked if she had worked in cafés in the city.
It turned out that she had worked at the “Bama” café-restaurant, where I had seen her before. I mentioned that I had been there for Ms. Yadollahi’s birthday celebration, and it became clear that she had also been present.
I had gone there with my daughter, Masoumeh. They even gave us birthday cake.
I also like the “Bama” café-restaurant. I should go there more often to get my work done.
I asked for this familiar lady’s name. Her name is Ms. Zamani Khah. I’m writing it down here so I don’t forget. Maybe this will be an excuse for me to visit Café Lamiz more often.
- ۰۳/۰۷/۳۰