¡Genial! (GE-nee-al) - Great! Let's learn some food-related words:
- Comida (koh-MEE-dah) - Food
- Agua (AH-gwah) - Water
- Pan (pahn) - Bread
- Queso (KEH-soh) - Cheese
- Tortilla (tohr-TEE-yah) - Tortilla (like a Mexican flatbread)
And some fun phrases:
- Me encanta (MAY ehn-KAHN-tah) - I love it!
- Estoy hambriento (eh-STOH ahm-bree-EHN-toh) - I'm hungry!
- ¿Dónde está...? (DOHN-deh eh-STAH) - Where is...?
Want to try some basic conversations? I can be the "tortilla teacher" and guide you through some simple dialogues!
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