تعریف عضو وارون چپ و راست روشن است.
Definition. Let be a semigroup with identity e. Let a E S. If there exists an element b in S such that ab = e = ba,
then b is called the inverse of a, and a is said to be invertible.
Definition. A nonempty set G with a binary operation . on G is called a group jfthefollowing axioms hold:
(i) a(bc) = (ab)cfor all a,b,c E G. (ii) There exists e E G such that ea = afor all a E G. (iii) For every a E G there exists a' G such that a'a = e.
Definition. Let (S. ) be a semigroup. Ifthere is an element e inS such that ex—x=xe for aJixES,
then e is called the identity of the semigroup (S,).
right identity مشابه left identity تعریف می شود.
On 14th December 1900, German theoretical physicist Max Plank published his seminal paper on the Quantum Theory of Radiation, and quantum physics was born! In the early years of the 20th century, quantum physics was further developed and applied to explain several other experiments by Albert Einstein, Paul Dirac, Neils Bohr and many others.
Quantum theory is extremely non-intuitive, and came as a shock to the physics community, shaking the foundations of scientific knowledge. American physicist Richard Feynman once said, “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics.”
Though a century old now, its interpretations still puzzle scientists and students alike, making it a hot topic for research, with new ‘theories’ coming up all the time!
Angular Gaurd
برای اینکه وسط یک کاری یک کاری انجام دهد مثلا وقتی کاربر یک آدرس را می اورد با استفاده از روت ها چک کند که آیا دسترسی دارد یا نه یا مثلا لاگ کند.
Angular Pipe
Let (S, ) be a semigroup and let a,b E S. We usually write ab instead of a b. An element e in S is called a left identity if ea=a for all a E S.
Examples of semigroups are
(a) The systems of integers, reals, or complex numbers under usual multiplication (or addition) (b) The set of mappings from a nonempty set S into itself under composition of mappings (c) The set of n X n matrices over complex numbers under multiplication (or addition) of matrices
Any algebraic structure S with a binary operation + or is normally written (S,+) or (S,•). However, it is also customary to use an expression such as "the algebraic structure S under addition or multiplication." Examples of semigroups are
The simplest algebraic structure to recognize is a semigroup, which is defined as a nonempty setS with an associative binary operation.
Algebraic structures whose binary operations satisfy particularly important properties are semigroups, groups, rings, fields, modules, and so on.